Home-made instant pancakes mix 自製鬆餅粉



It’s Sunday today! Let’s make some delicious pancakes with this amazing recipe from Nigella Lawson!


麵粉/all purpose flour: 100g

糖/sugar: 10g

泡打粉/baking powder: 5g

牛奶/milk: 1杯/1 cup

蛋/egg: 1

融化奶油/melted butter: 1匙/1 spoon

[原食譜中有使用小蘇打,我家裡沒有所以就沒放了/ The original recipe also includes bicarbonate of soda, but I don’t have it at home so I didn’t use it]


1. 把麵粉,糖和泡打粉混和均勻. 其實你一次可以做多一點,反正都是乾粉所以放到容器中可以保存很久! 一次做個600g, 想吃的時候就拿來出煎個幾片 🙂

1. Mix the flour, sugar and baking powder. Actually you can make some big amount of this instant pancake mixture at a time, they’re all dry ingredients so they can be preserved for a long time in a container. For example you can make 600g at a time, put it in a container, and take some out when you feel like having some pancakes!


2. 加入一杯牛奶攪拌均勻,再加入一顆蛋攪拌均勻

2. Mix in a cup of milk, then mix in an egg



3. 加入一匙的溶化奶油, 這個是關鍵! 不只是為了奶油的香氣,更是可以避免鬆餅沾鍋喔:)

3. Add a spoon of melted butter. This is the key of the recipe!!! Not only for the fragrance of butter, but also it prevents your pancakes from sticking to your pan 🙂


4. 熱鍋,不用放油, 舀一匙麵糊放入鍋中. 不用刻意抹平它!讓它自然流平即可

4. Heat up your pan, no need to put any oil in, scoop out some batter and put it in the pan. There’s no need to flatten the batter with anything, just let it flow.


5. 煎約一分鐘或一分半鐘,等到上面出現許多泡泡的時候就可以翻面啦! [如照片中那樣]

5. Fry it for 1 minute or 1.5 minute, wait til there are many small bubbles on the top, then you can flip it! [as seen in the picture]


6. 翻面之後再煎個30秒左右即可 🙂

6. Fry the other side for about another 30 seconds, then it’s done 🙂


當初會想要在家自己做鬆餅, 是因為某個週末早晨,我起床之後突然非常想吃鬆餅, 剛好櫃子裡有Simon買的鬆餅粉,就拿來和牛奶蛋混和之後煎鬆餅. 結果這個全麥口味的鬆餅粉做出來的鬆餅實在是有!夠!難!吃! 難吃到我才吃了一口,就整個人爆氣,馬上上網找食譜,幸好有找到Nigella這個神奇的自製鬆餅粉食譜,救了我的週末早晨 xD

I had the idea of making pancakes at home was due to a Sunday morning, I had the urge of eating pancakes really badly when I woke up. There happened to have a pack of pancake mixture that Simon bought in the cupboard, so I just took it, mixed it with milk and egg, and made some pancakes. It turned out that this whole-wheat pancake mixture was an absolute disaster!!!! Awfully disgusting!!! I got so pissed off with only one single bite, and immediately I decided to search for the recipe online. Fortunately there was Nigella Lawson who saved my Sunday morning with this amazing recipe!


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